All this serious spiritual stuff, I needed to throw you for a loop with another passion of mine - laundry! No, no the passion is green living, not laundry ;)
Heart ya!
With love,
Wendy Irene
All this serious spiritual stuff, I needed to throw you for a loop with another passion of mine - laundry! No, no the passion is green living, not laundry ;) Heart ya! YouTube Video: With love, Wendy Irene
A simple step you can take to boost joy and increase sweetness in your life right now. Thank you for sharing your day with me!
With love & light, Wendy Irene You may be hearing more and more people are starting to transition to a plant-based diet. I believe this is an important part of the shift towards being better stewards of the planet. In this video I happily share with you my personal transition towards higher vibration eating and living. If you’re feeling a calling from within to increase your joy and life force by lining up your spirit and body, watch this video and maybe a light bulb will go off for you with an idea that feels right. Thank you for being here and for spreading the love, beautiful lightworkers!
With love & gratitude, Wendy Irene Learn about the first, and I believe the most important lesson in energetic nutrition. Thank you, friends!
With love & happy, healthy eating, Wendy Irene Why staying hydrated with pure clean water is super important for high vibration living. Thank you, friends!
If you liked this video or think it will help others please do ‘like it’, share it, and subscribe to this YouTube channel for more videos to come. With love, light & healing hugs Wendy Irene Watch out spring, here we come! Seeing what others do really inspires and motivates me in life. I find people are the biggest motivators to make positive life changes. You don’t even have to know them in person! Find a mentor that makes you feel inspired by their work. Pick up their book if they have one and read, read, read to keep motivated. When someone shares what works for them in any area I need guidance, it helps me tremendously. For that reason, I am happy to share with you my weekly fitness routine, in the hopes that it will inspire you to make positive changes in your life, in order to live the healthiest version of yourself. Remember to listen to your own intuition (not fears!) about what is right for you. Use this video as guidance to encourage you in a positive direction. At the end of the video, I also share with you one of my favorite ways to stay hydrated! YouTube Video: Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way!
Wendy Irene With fall just around the corner and school starting back up, it’s the perfect time to talk about uplifting routines. I love summer, but I’m actually ready to get some more routine back in my life again, you? There is one simple way I start off my day to maximize my energy in the morning. It’s so straightforward anyone can do it. I recommend everyone give it a try for 2 weeks to see how it transforms your life. In fact, it’s so easy you’ll probably be left wondering, really that’s it? How can it possibly boost your energy that much? You’ll have to trust me on this until you give it a try for yourself. Every night before I go to bed, I fill up a glass Mason jar with water and set it on my bedside table. I like to put the lid on to keep the water from getting dusty. In the morning, before I even move a muscle or think, I reach over from my cozy blankets and drink my jar of water. By the time I’ve finished I’m actually ready to get out of bed. Hydrated and rearing to start the day!
When I first start drinking the water I’m usually thinking I don’t want to get out of bed and I’m really glad I have the built in excuse of sitting under my covers for a little longer while I drink my water. By the time I’m half way through the jar I can feel my cells awaking with hydration. The dryness in my skin and eyes from sleeping all night disappears and my energy level rises. By the time I’m done with the water I have energy to get out of bed, and I am totally ready to get up at that point. Starting the day off with one good choice not only impacts the beginning of the day, it ripples out into the rest of the day as well. One good choice, leads to another, leads to another. The impact of the simple choice of drinking water first thing in the morning before doing anything else has an overall profound effect. Give it a try for 2 weeks to get used to forming the habit and you’ll soon see exactly what I’m talking about. The importance of drinking water right after waking, I first learned from the book WomanCode by Alisa Vitti, and then was reintroduced to it and inspired by reading The Body Book by Cameron Diaz. These ladies go into more detail about all the great benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning from keeping you hydrated, energized, to even regular. This simple water drinking routine has made my mornings so much brighter. I feel extremely passionate about it, so I just had to share it with you. By the time I’ve gotten out of bed I’ve already consumed almost half my water needs for the average day. One smart choice, which leads to many more and great results! Wishing you happy, hydrated mornings! With love, Wendy Irene Do you ever suffer from dry itchy scalp? It can be so frustrating and sometimes embarrassing when dandruff occurs. If you’ve tried anti-dandruff shampoos you know they often contain harsh ingredients that you don’t necessarily want to rub into your skin each week. There are certain times of the year my scalp tends to get dry. It is also much worse if I am stressed. Sometimes I don’t even realize that I am stressed but my scalp acts as a wakeup call, and reminds me to make time for the things that help me relieve stress and anxiety, such as meditation and yoga. Unstructured down time can also work wonders as well. In today’s video I share with you a natural remedy I personally use when my scalp is dry and itchy. It really relieves the uncomfortable feeling of a dry scalp, as well as cleanses, conditions the skin, and leaves my hair feeling soft. Are you ready to find out how to naturally treat dandruff? YouTube Video: If you found this video useful, I would be so grateful if you ‘liked it’, shared it, and subscribed for more! Thank you, sweet friends! With much love & gratitude, Wendy Irene We all know that what we eat is important to our overall health and well-being, but have you ever considered when you eat? There is increasing evidence that suggests lunch should be your largest meal of the day. Watch the video to find out more and learn about the possible health benefits of making lunch your biggest meal. YouTube Video: Thank you for joining me! I can’t wait to hear from you. What are your honest thoughts? Do you think when we eat makes a difference? Have you ever tried switching around your meal schedule? It would be awesome if you shared your thoughts and wisdom!
Much love & gratitude, Wendy Irene We love our kids and pets with all our hearts, but sometimes they don’t leave the air in our home or car smelling so fresh. Opening the windows is the number one thing you can do to cleanse the air and get it circulating, but sometimes we’re in need of something a little stronger. A scent that will leave your home smelling gorgeous and beautiful, that is non-toxic of course, so you can feel good about protecting the environment and your health. About 1x per week, and often before having guests over, I love to spray my home with a lovely lavender scent. It is so soothing and relaxing. Put on some café music and you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to France right in your own home. We also love to use the lavender spray when we clean our car, which embarrassingly enough is not as often as we would like. In this video I will show you how you can make your own non-toxic lavender spray. All you’ll need is a small spray bottle, water, and pure lavender essential oil. Watch this short video to see how simple it really is! Lavender Air Freshener
Small Spray Bottle ½ cup (4 oz.) water 18 drops 100% Pure Lavender essential oil Store lavender spray in the fridge. Lasts up to 2 weeks. Did you like this video or find it useful? If so, like it, share it with you friends, and subscribe to get email updates because there are more videos to come! With love & gratitude, Wendy Irene |