Have a beautiful day!
With love,
Wendy Irene
“When you learn, teach, when you get, give.” ~ Maya Angelou Spotlight Video: This month my husband and I watched the documentary Inside Job. We thought it was eye opening and quite frankly disturbing, but knowledge is power! Inside Job won an Academy Award for Best Documentary. Check out the movie’s website here:
http://www.sonyclassics.com/insidejob/ With love, gratitude, & best wishes, Wendy Irene Spotlight Video: Recently, I watched a Google talk by Alisa Vitti, author of a book I've learned so much from, WomanCode. Hormones affect everything, and in this video you will start to learn how getting your hormones back in balance really is possible, and how important it is to your health. Alisa Vitti, "WomanCode" | Talks at Google With love & gratitude,
Wendy Irene Whenever possible, I love to share with you a video that has moved me in some way or contains an important message I think is worth spreading. Spotlight Video: TEDx Talk: The Gene Revolution, The Future of Agriculture: Dr. Thierry Vrain Thank you for joining me! With love, gratitude, & well-wishes, Wendy Irene "An aware parent loves all children he or she interacts with - for you are a caretaker for those moments in time." ~ Doc Childre With all my heart I believe important messages enter your life with divine timing. Listening to those messages provides an important opportunity not only for personal growth, but to impact the lives of others. The truth is, this video will touch your heart, make you cry, and very importantly make you aware of what is going on in the world of childhood cancer. I want you to meet a very special, inspirational little boy, Liam! Read about Liam’s journey here: http://strong-willedwarrior.blogspot.ca/ He is the nephew of a dear friend. Sending so much love and prayers. “If our American way of life fails the child, it fails us all." ~ Pearl S. Buck With love, gratitude, and great hope, Wendy Irene How do you experience life? I first heard about the commencement speech This is Water by David Foster Wallace on Dr. Oz’s Facebook page. It really inspired me. If you can find it on YouTube, it is awesome! Spread the inspiration! We could all use it.
With love & gratitude, Wendy Irene "With the growing recognition of the value of herbs, it is surely time to examine the professional therapeutic use of these herbs. There are profound changes happening in the American culture and herbal medicine, 'green medicine,' is playing an ever-increasing role in people's experience of this transformation." With gratitude & love,
Wendy Irene "Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful." ~Jim Carrey With love & colorful gratitude, Wendy Irene |