With Love,
Wendy Irene
Give this a try for 1 month and let me know if it works for you! Share: https://youtu.be/XAZsN4RKyrA Also, here are a few homemade gift ideas you might enjoy making! Homemade Christmas Gifts Round-Up Happy Holidays!
With peace & love, Wendy Irene A calming meditation on manifesting love to follow up on the recent love readings. Love Readings: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn Warmest Wishes, Wendy Irene Welcome friends! It's time to get cozy and listen to a calming, guided meditation perfect for a winter's night (or morning, or afternoon) or whenever you're in need of some inner-peace! Sending you so much love and light! Warmest Wishes, Wendy Irene Hi friends, I created a couple of new videos for you today! The first is a short guided meditation to bring you back to center. Take a few minutes to connect with yourself and draw in the light. Being still and slowing down our mind is essential to our well-being. If this video helped you, I would love for you to share it with anyone who might find it useful, and leave me a comment letting me know how it went for you. With love, Wendy Irene
"The body is a self-healing organism, so it's really about clearing things out of the way so the body can heal itself." ~ Barbara Brennan
Join me for a beautiful meditation to activate self-healing within your body.
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/FqpSkLD7ePw
"The body creates health daily. It is inherently self-healing." ~ Christiane Northrup Thank you so much for joining me today, beautiful soul! We’d love to see you at our Romantic Valentine’s Workshop happening Sat. Feb 10th, 2018 at The Mat in Liberty Lake, WA. It’s going to be a very special event. Please do reach out if you’re interested in us bringing a workshop or class to your place of business. With much love and light, Wendy Irene Hello beautiful soul! Are you getting out and enjoying summer? I sure hope so! I’ll gather some pictures for you soon of summer 'round these parts. This week I really want to encourage you to get off the computer and phone as much as humanly possible. I think too much time on electronics sucks away our happiness, so you may not find me posting quite as much right now while it’s actually nice up North here for a while. There is something I want you to pay attention to this summer though, especially as you hopefully have more free time, and that’s creativity. Creativity is born from doing nothing. I think somehow you’re a much better receiver when you’re still and doing nothing. That’s when the universe really has a chance to flow through you and work it’s magic. So my suggestion is this… keep a pad of paper and a pen at your side this summer at all times and let your creativity flow. You can refine it and work it into a masterpiece later. Please don’t worry about anything but letting it flow through you on these slow hot days, and certainly avoid getting all perfectionist about it. Simply allow yourself to daydream, put pen to paper or use whatever your favorite creative medium is, and make sure to take time to imagine your perfect life. This is a meditation I created awhile ago but it’s perfect for this post, and I have to thank Alison for inspiring me to share it. I’m so excited to hear she’s using this meditation while working on her writing. Go Girl! It’s basically the best thing I could hear because what I want most in this world is to encourage you to use your passions to create. It is the key to living life to the fullest. Wishing you a beautiful week of sun, flowers, and water! And sending you so much light for dreams come true. My little girly having a blast on the water slide. With love and gratitude,
Wendy Irene Hello Sweet Friends, Welcome to my new subscribers and those of you who have been with me over the years too! I just want to say how much it means to me that you would find value in these videos and choose to subscribe to my YouTube channel and email updates. Your supportive energy is amazing and I truly appreciate it. Thank you for spreading the word on social media, it makes my day when I see it, and for passing it onto your loved ones. I am incredibly grateful and touched. Sharing guided meditations with you is one of my favorite things to do. Meditating is such an important part of my daily life, and has unlocked so much wisdom that I believe each of us carries within. I absolutely love to do anything I can to inspire you in this area of your life. Showing up and being committed to 10 minutes per day can help put you on the path of your soul, and who knows maybe one day you’ll find yourself meditating like the Dalai Lama. By the way, I just started reading The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Carlton Abrams. I’m really looking forward to sharing more about it with you later on. We’ve all heard the ancient wisdom many times that happiness is a choice. It’s simply true. I hope this meditation helps you choose joy in this moment, the only moment that really counts. YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/rK_yo2G_o80 Thank you for the joy you bring me in giving me the opportunity to share my creative work with you! Yours in love & light, Wendy Irene Sometimes the saddest moments are also the most beautiful. They crack you open the furthest. They expose the light even more. Embrace them. Do not run from them. Do not cover them up with artificial means. Take them in and let them hit you like the ocean waves they are. These circumstances are meant to be. They are there to teach you, to show you your own divinity within. There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. There is only love, and the magic of the universe, that which you can call God or source, will do whatever it takes to show you this truth. All you can ever do is love people and you will have lived a life fulfilled no matter what fills the moments in-between. Suffering is sometimes a part of this journey on the earth plane, where we experience the ego's feeling of separation, when in compete truth we are one. It isn't meant to punish you, it's meant to help you become all that you were ever meant to be, however many lifetimes this takes. Your journey is to be the fullest expression of your beautiful soul which is love. There is nothing more beautiful than loving someone exactly as they are. In doing so you are also loving yourself, wholly and completely. This is unconditional love - love in its pure form. Warning - This video was created in a very raw moment. It's the hardest kind to share, but also the most important because it’s the easiest one for you to take on energetically and be moved by, because of the amount of heart it took to create it. All my favorite music does exactly the same. I think those of us who put ourselves out there and have the honor of sharing our journey with you have a responsibility to be honest, and share all sides of us instead of pretending that every day is always perfect and rainbows (I do love rainbows!). I’m a very positive person with a big love for life, and I’m pretty good at bouncing back because of my soul-focused perspective on things, but thinking that I feel great all the time just isn’t real and you deserve more than that. In western culture we’re taught to think something’s wrong with us if every day isn’t positive, that we must be doing something wrong. However, eastern culture focuses more on expecting peaks and valleys as a normal healthy part of life, and I personally think that makes way more sense. It is often in your moments of pain that you grow the most as a person, and become even closer to the light that you are. I would not recommend watching this video unless you’re having a sad moment because it’s not an energy you want to take on otherwise. When you remember the pure love and beauty of the light ‘oneness, source, or God' at its core, which you can reach in your meditation and in other ways, sometimes you wonder why your soul would choose anything else? I think this is a very real and important part of the soul journey here. When I asked my mentor Belinda Davidson, “Sometimes I just don’t get it, why would we choose this over oneness and light?” She said she understands how I feel, but we keep coming back to be a light in the dark earth plane. It was exactly what my heart needed to hear. I hope this helps you in those moments too. Heart you guys! 💖 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/qYydecBVCMw With all my heart, Wendy Irene This has been a long time coming. After basically having a melt down at the beginning of last week, and being forgiven and accepted anyway it gave me the courage to finally ‘be me’. Totally life changing! It’s hard to explain being in a spiritual closet if you’re not familiar with it yourself, but if you are you’ll know just what I mean. It’s feels like you’re not being honest or a good person hiding who you really are because you don’t think the world understands or can handle you, and last week I didn’t think I could take it for one. more. second. Those of you who follow my work here, probably already had a good sense about my intuitive nature. I love to talk about fairies and unicorns :) Outside of this special space, I can only describe it as sometimes it feels like you were put in a world you don’t belong in, because so many don’t understand and you’re too much for them. You’re here to shift things, and I’ve definitely asked my soul why the heck I signed up for this gig? You can clearly see what you perceive to be the truth, and you have to get it out there RIGHT NOW. It can be a difficult position to be in, but at the end of the day you are completely responsible for expressing your truth, and if you don’t and you stay silent, it will hurt you. There are people who will love you anyway, they believe you whether they understand you or not, and that kind of support means everything! There are also many people just like you, and those that are waking up to this truth as we speak. If this makes sense to you and you were born around the years 1970 – 1980 you might want to do some research on Indigo children. You might find comfort in it as I did. Anyway, all of this coupled with my friend Vishnu (he’s great, follow his work!) tweeting me in support of my meditation videos made me want to create one out of immense love for you and for me. I am so sorry to the people I’ve hurt in this cracking open process, but I hope the strength of my love and light can overcome even that. Without further ado, YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/gy2_dFE-1vQ Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet Meditation Quit hiding who you are dear one, it is making you ill. You do not need to carry this truth alone, there are many like you who love you. Let them find you. Yes, the whole world may not understand you, but that is OK. Let that go. You are here to shine your light in darkest places and to do so you must be true to you. Speak your truth, don't hide any longer. I am here for you, cheering you on. Unleash yourself on the world, it is time. I love you With all my heart, Wendy Irene |