There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. There is only love, and the magic of the universe, that which you can call God or source, will do whatever it takes to show you this truth. All you can ever do is love people and you will have lived a life fulfilled no matter what fills the moments in-between.
Suffering is sometimes a part of this journey on the earth plane, where we experience the ego's feeling of separation, when in compete truth we are one. It isn't meant to punish you, it's meant to help you become all that you were ever meant to be, however many lifetimes this takes. Your journey is to be the fullest expression of your beautiful soul which is love. There is nothing more beautiful than loving someone exactly as they are. In doing so you are also loving yourself, wholly and completely. This is unconditional love - love in its pure form.
Warning - This video was created in a very raw moment. It's the hardest kind to share, but also the most important because it’s the easiest one for you to take on energetically and be moved by, because of the amount of heart it took to create it. All my favorite music does exactly the same. I think those of us who put ourselves out there and have the honor of sharing our journey with you have a responsibility to be honest, and share all sides of us instead of pretending that every day is always perfect and rainbows (I do love rainbows!).
I’m a very positive person with a big love for life, and I’m pretty good at bouncing back because of my soul-focused perspective on things, but thinking that I feel great all the time just isn’t real and you deserve more than that. In western culture we’re taught to think something’s wrong with us if every day isn’t positive, that we must be doing something wrong. However, eastern culture focuses more on expecting peaks and valleys as a normal healthy part of life, and I personally think that makes way more sense. It is often in your moments of pain that you grow the most as a person, and become even closer to the light that you are.
I would not recommend watching this video unless you’re having a sad moment because it’s not an energy you want to take on otherwise. When you remember the pure love and beauty of the light ‘oneness, source, or God' at its core, which you can reach in your meditation and in other ways, sometimes you wonder why your soul would choose anything else? I think this is a very real and important part of the soul journey here. When I asked my mentor Belinda Davidson, “Sometimes I just don’t get it, why would we choose this over oneness and light?” She said she understands how I feel, but we keep coming back to be a light in the dark earth plane. It was exactly what my heart needed to hear. I hope this helps you in those moments too. Heart you guys! 💖
With all my heart,
Wendy Irene