I’m so happy you’re here! Every time you visit it puts a smile on my face. I have something important to share with you before we get into today’s post.
I need to take the next two weeks off. My 7 year old son is having his tonsils and adenoids removed on Tuesday. We believe their large size is interfering with his breathing at night and causing sleep apnea. We took him to have a sleep study test done and the results showed he stopped breathing 11 times per hour, which is way too high for a child.
It is a day procedure, and something that is preformed all the time. In fact, you probably know many people who have had their tonsils removed. Despite that, as a Mother it is hard for me to think of my son having anesthesia and being under a knife of any kind. It really pulls on my heart strings and I wish that I could do it for him.
The week after my son’s surgery he will be on Spring Break. I plan to spend the next two weeks helping my son recover, cuddling my kids a million times and giving them extra undivided attention. I appreciate more than words the prayers and positive energy you send our way! We feel very blessed.
If you have any tips for me on how to help my son recover, or if you’ve been through something similar I’d love for you to share your wisdom.
I’ll be back Tuesday, April 9. Until then I’d love for you to check out some oldie but goodies, there are lots of great recipes to nourish your body and many meditations to feed your soul. Sending much love your way!
Onto today’s healing meditation…
have our own beliefs and our own way of grieving. It is important that we honor that.
Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One is a meditation created with the greatest hope that in some small way it will allow space for you to feel your emotions. Acceptance is ever so important in both the healing process and living life with a full heart. Part of acceptance is giving space to our emotions, and not stuffing them down. The purpose of this meditation is to allow space into your heart, a window however small to let light and love energy in.
During this meditation focus on the feeling of your loved one, their energy. Connect to the energy. Concentrate on breathing, space and feeling their love. This meditation is here for you whenever you need it.
With heartfelt hugs, love, & gratitude,
Wendy Irene