It was a really good day, and I just have to fact I’m bubbling with excitement! No, it was better than that, it was an absolutely fantastic, unforgettable day!! I am so fortunate to have so much love in my life. My husband worked so hard at making my birthday one to remember for-ever and ever! I am such a lucky girl.
Let’s just say this birthday did not involve last minutes plans, my husband planned and plotted to make this birthday extra special for 9 MONTHS!! Every month he worked SO hard to SAVE, PLAN, SAVE and PLAN some more, looking for the best deals he could find to make this birthday a spectacular one, and he did just that!
For my birthday this year he planned to give me just what I was in need of, a break. And not just any break...
Luckiest girl on the PLANET, yeah that’s how I feel! J
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and one or two billion more THANK YOUS HUBBY for loving me so much, for wanting to do something so nice for me! I only feel bad you can’t enjoy it with me because you definitely deserve it! But I know I will be worry free with you looking after our two little miracles.
To my friends, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Thank you for keeping such a BIG secret, for planning with my husband, and most of all for coming to celebrate!!! I really don’t know what to say other than I am truly, truly blessed to be surround with so much love by family and friends.
It is not too much longer until we go! It will be so much fun to fill you guys in on the trip, hotel, what we do, where we go, what we see. I can’t wait!
And while I’m saying my thank yous, thank YOU very much for all the support YOU give me by being a part of this blog, and a part of this amazing journey of life with me! I feel so fortunate for that too, and can definitely feel all the wonderful energy from it.
I got to start my day off today by getting out of bed slowly, having an extra special breakfast, surround by lots of birthday decorations, and BIG Brother’s excitement about it being my birthday was so touching. He genuinely was as excited as me, and worked hard to make sure Daddy didn’t leave out any details, including balloons and birthday napkins. Little Sister, too young to fully understand, has picked up on the great energy and been wide-eyed and amazed, in between the feed-me’s. That little gift that keeps you grounded ;-)
I love surprises!
This just has to be the question of the day because he deserves some recognition...
Do I have an AMAZING husband, or what?! :-D
Have a wonderful day!