Today it was walk, fall, walk, fall, over and over again. Lil Sis does an adorable zombie walk with her hands straight in front of her, as she wobbles from side to side. The hands out in front so that she can catch herself when she falls.
While writing this blog I have the (Starbucks)Red CD All You Need Is Love playing in the background. With each CD Starbucks contributes $1 to the Global Fund. Part of the slogan is “wish to make a difference”, “wish for love.” I am already fond of Starbucks and find the Starbucks Love project touching.
It makes me happy when products purchased also help to give back, which makes (Product)Red something I heart. An added bonus, red is my favorite color and I am a big fan of anything with the word love or heart symbols on it, and the act of spreading love in any and every way you can. Hence the name of the blogJ.
For me just reading the word love brings warm feelings. Words are powerful. So when I found red pajamas with hearts and love written all over it, I knew they were the perfect Christmas Eve gift for my daughter.
One of the things on my To Do list today was filling in my 2010 calendar. Ideally I would like to have the information; birthdays, appointments on my phone as well as on my hanging calendar. I managed to write everything down on the calendar today but not update my phone. I believe that will take a lot longer.
What works best for you, a digital calendar, a wall hanging calendar, or both?