The baby that could only reach objects within a foot or two of the ground is now standing then walking, and has access to many more things that are potentially harmful or you downright don’t want them to get a hold of. You start to wonder if you should line the tops of the walls in your house with shelves to hold all your worldly possessions.
After baby has learned to crawl, stand, walk, next comes the very intelligent toddler stage. The chairs start getting dragged around the house, and the access they have to all that they shouldn’t becomes infinitely greater. Oh no, now it’s real trouble with a capital T!
Butter Baby
Before having children my husband expressed how he really wanted a butter baby – meaning an adorable chubby baby with glorious baby fat and rolls. Little did he know that he would literally be blessed with a butter-baby, and I’m not talking about Little Sister’s 9lb 5oz size when she was born!
The other day Little Sister successfully pulled a chair twice her size over to the counter to climb and access the butter dish. Meanwhile I was distracted picking up the house. That’s right. You read correctly. She went after the butter that was on the counter because she wanted to eat it. Yummy...a big glob of butter all on its own. Real tasty I’m sure! If you’ve ever cleaned butter off a baby you’ll know how fun that is 8-/
More to Climb
Out of desperation when all the chairs have successfully disappeared, and the kids have now moved onto climbing a rocking horse or a pile of stacked toy bins, I’m left asking:
Can you ever really baby proof?
Please share your thoughts or any advice you have in the comments. I could use it!
Did I mention playing row-row your boat with a toilet plunger in the bath-tub? Yuck! Maybe that’s a whole other post about baby proofing!