There have been several sleepless nights lately, which for me is unheard of because I'm a regular 10pm to 6am kind of girl. The Angels have been by my side all along. I could hear their music playing in the night air but I just couldn't hear the answers that I needed. I've been sleeping with my crystals like a kid sleeps with stuffed animals, and it's always interesting when you roll on one in the wrong spot. Finally last night it hit me. I could hear an answer to what I've been asking... well step one anyway, lol. Anyone on the spiritual path knows it's never ending.
The Angels told me that I'm not speaking enough from my heart. That I'm sharing higher spiritual wisdom, but I'm not making it accessible to people in a way that they can better understand because I'm not sharing my personal experiences. Great! Of course that's what it is. I'm not feeling in alignment because I'm not doing the shit that scares me the most. I've openly admitted to a few special people that my throat chakra is blocked, and I'm working on it thanks to School of the Modern Mystic. Well I guess working on it means taking it to the next level and actually doing the scary shit my throat chakra wants me to do. Talking about the crazy things I've seen, believe, heard and feel. All along I thought being adamantly against GMOs was controversial enough for this lifetime!
Well you're hearing it from me now. Within the next few weeks I plan to create some new videos and blog posts for you sharing some of my personal experiences with the spiritual realms, and explain to you on a deeper level my beliefs, that I sincerely hope won't offend anyone. I have a deep respect for religions and how they help people, and it's not my intent to crush that for anyone. I'm most likely going to roll through a few videos I've already created first, so hopefully sometime in September.
The whole reason I am writing this unusual post to you now on a Sunday is to hold myself accountable so that I follow through, and now all of you can hold me accountable too. A lot of me is saying no thank you, I don't want to appear more insane to the world than I already do. I think I'd rather keep that stuff to myself. Well my heart is ready to open up even more, blame it on the backbends at yoga. If there's something that scares you too, that you know you should do or say, I encourage you to NOT run from it and face it now with me too. I can help you and love you through it. Trust me I don't want to be the only one, lol!
What you need to understand is people don't cross a mystic's path on accident, so if you're here you're absolutely supposed to be here. I'm truly sorry we don't always make it comfortable for you. It's sure as hell uncomfortable for us too, but that's part of the job our soul signed up for, and God destined that our paths meet for a reason. We're here to help you grow, to shift you in ways that will give you freedom and help your soul blossom. To help you kick dysfunctional behaviors and habits that are holding you back, or are making you sick. The gift of the mystic is our ability to love you wholly and completely - all of you not just the part you show to the world, the light and the dark. We all deserve to be loved unconditionally that way. It is the way our creator loves us.
On a side note, if there’s anything you personally would like me to talk about, or questions that you have please do ask. It will help me create better content for you. You can leave a comment below or on social media, or tell me in person if you see me. I would appreciate it immensely.
With so much love and an open heart,
Wendy Irene