The next step in my effort to de-clutter my life is to cut back on screen time. Between the TV, the computer, and my iPhone it feels like my personal screen time has gotten out of control. Writing this blog is good in many wonderful ways, but it has contributed to what I feel is too much screen time. Not wanting to give up my passion for sharing I set out to figure out how to keep the blog and maintain a better balance.
My solution for this is to remove 2 evenings of screen time a week. My husband and I love to veg out on the couch together after a long day. Before you know it we become like zombies on the couch. It has even on some occasions caused us to get less sleep. Although life is truly wonderful, it is exhausting too! Kids, work, or activities no matter what your life entails can all lead to a very tired person by the end of the day.
Sometimes we are so tired, we actually stay up later than we want to because neither one of us wants to move from the couch. It is amazing how fast screen time can suck your time away. There are nights we frantically rush around after turning off the TV to get things done around the house that need to be done before the next day, but it is already way past bedtime.
Then there is the quality time we are missing out with each other. Cutting screen time out twice a week will give us more time to concentrate on each other. Not to mention, you may actually find that time you have been looking for to accomplish a few projects around the house. Or maybe you can fit in reading that book you have been meaning to get to. No matter what you are lacking time for, whether it is each other or something you want to get done, less screen time can only help.
Neither one of us wanted to cut TV out completely at this point because we each have our favorite shows. Deciding on 2 nights a week sounded like a good start. We had a discussion about which nights would be best for us. We want the no screen time to be a routine, same days each week so that we stick to it.
2 nights, No TV, No Computer, No Video Games, I am looking forward to it and think we will enjoy it!
What do you like to do in the evening if you have some free time?