This idea came from watching Food Network a couple of weekends ago. It was raining outside and we were enjoying a relaxed morning while savouring a steaming cup of coffee. I wish I could remember which show I was watching. After searching I was unable to find it.
The best part is there's no measuring involved and hardly any prep!
Dijon-Dill Salmon Filets
• Brush filet with Dijon mustard (we used Jack Daniels Dijon!!)
• Sprinkle filet generously with fresh dill.
• Lastly, top with a sprinkling of brown sugar.
For more Salmon recipe ideas go to- Salmon: Several Ways to Make it Fabulous! While you’re there be sure to read the insightful comments, there are several more fantastic ideas from readers!
Fresh herbs are a true culinary gift! I love to find ways to use the rest of the herb in my weekly cooking so it doesn’t go to waste. Try using the leftover dill in a homemade Chicken Noodle Soup! The perfect comfort food to soothe the soul ♥
Dr. Oz’s Five Wrong Turns That Can Lead to Cancer
If you have taken any of these wrong turns, fear not! Dr. Oz shows you the right turn you can make to get back on track.
Here’s to a healthy you, friends!
Today’s Question: