Does it mean having a successful job, or one you’re passionate about, maybe both? Does it mean having time to cherish with your loved ones? Does it mean owning your own home, or maybe no roots and letting the wind take you where it will? Does it mean a nice car, or a bike that gets your heart pumping from place to place? Does it mean a family with kids? A spouse or the single life? Possibly having it all means wanting a significant other, no kids, and more freedom. The ways to live happily are as infinite as there are people - past, present, and future.
Having it all, that is a BIG question! Do you already know what that means to you, or do you think you need time to reflect on it? Are you somewhere in between, meaning there are some things you know for sure you want, while others still need figuring out?
Maybe the path to having it all means focusing on a very few top priorities at a time and letting the others rest for the time being. What are those top priorities? Is it travel, is it your time with family, is it your work?
Are you comfortable being in a job that provides security, can you allow yourself to be happy there? Or are you itching for change but scared to do it? If it is time you crave to do the activities you love is it possible for you to cut back in order to achieve more time? Does it mean needing less, wanting less, but doing more of what you love? Who knows what can happen when you follow your heart.
Do these questions ping something inside you that you try to suppress, a place that you know you want change but haven’t acted on it for one reason or another? What is stopping you? If it is fear, is living with that fear better than taking the risk? Maybe for you it is, or maybe it is not?
You’ll know when you’re ready, just believe in yourself more than the fear you have. Is it also possible you are defining happiness in ways that don’t really make sense, and you need to consciously decide to change your opinion on it? Do you have to want everything?
Do you believe that your all doesn’t have to mean the same as anyone else’s all?
Can you simplify it? Is it time to stop letting the world’s definition of all define your all? Is it ok if you let yourself change the definition along the way to reflect the growing you?
Do you see life as continuous difficulties or do you view it as your playground?
Happy Reflections! J