Hard work and good effort are important. I definitely don’t want my kids to think that they are not. However, I want them to have a healthy balance. My husband often says looking back he wishes he tried a little bit harder in school. I am hoping the two of us will balance our children out by not being a perfectionist, at the same time giving it their best.
I love to learn, but ruined it for myself sometimes with over stressing about the small stuff. Like many other great things my husband has done for me, he has been instrumental in teaching me not to do that. Often in life relationships are key in making important changes.
A weakness of mine is spelling and grammar. Can I just say that this whole Canadian English, United States English spell check is trippin me up! I already have a hard enough time spelling without the words being spelled differently in different countries. Something that looks right is spelled wrong. Something that looks wrong is spelled right. Very confusing!
I have never considered writing one of my strengths. If fact in school, those were the assignments I dreaded most. I would have much rather done 10 pages of math problems, than have to write a paper. Also, unlike a lot of people I would much rather have a test as a final, and not a paper. Even though with writing a paper you could use outside resources. For me if I had to write a paper that meant putting 10 times the amount of effort in to get the same grade.
Now that I am writing for fun, and it is not forced I really enjoy it. It is a wonderful way to get thoughts and emotions out, as well as document things you want to remember. Plus as Jessielynn would say sharing is caring.
Learning not to agonize over the little details, for me means coming a long way. This blog is not about being perfect. There will be lots of errors in my writing. Some on purpose because I think it makes my point better, and lots by accident.
The purpose of this blog for me is fun. If I have spent as much time as I am willing to devote to a post, I am stopping. I do try to use spell check because I like trying to challenge myself to learn the correct spelling, and believe me it is a challenge for me! However, I won’t spend a lot of time fixing things and I am happy with that.
Also, don’t rely on me for directions. I am worse at that than I am spelling! J
What do you struggle with?