A fun thing about our family being Canadian and American is celebrating more holidays! Yay :)
Sometimes we are dealt health issues we would really rather not have, but it is our choice whether or not to focus our energy on them and let them keep us down, or we can be grateful for what is going right. In my heart I know that resting on the grateful side is where I want to be, so let’s hope I can do that as I age now that I am aware of what a gift good health really is.
There is a campaign going on right now that I want to take a minute to let you know about. Giving is important to me. Sometimes we forget it doesn’t have to be financial, it can be your time, your support, or simply spreading the word.
The good news is you may be able to take action now to strengthen your bones. And if you’re already taking an osteoporosis treatment, you may have options you don't know about.”
On The Go Women is “a campaign which aims to encourage conversation between people with osteoporosis and their healthcare providers about the disease, the importance of compliance and the available treatment options that are most suitable for their health and lifestyle.”
One alarming fact I learned that I was not aware of is that one in four Canadian women over 50 have osteoporosis. And, while it can strike at any age, it’s most common after menopause.
The high rate of Osteoporosis among women over 50 has got me thinking about how important prevention is, and how vital it is to get the word out. If there are steps you could take to minimize your chances would you be interested in knowing more about them? On the up side, as in so many facets of health, a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, and staying physically active with regular exercise can help, and you have power to do that.
Exercise doesn’t have to be super intense if that’s just not for you. It can be going for evening walks after dinner, dancing, or gardening. When you find things you love to do it is possible to make exercise enjoyable. And who doesn’t want to enjoy life? Not to mention you’ll likely enjoy better health too!
I encourage you to check out the website OntheGoWomen.ca and if you think it is an important campaign give by simply spreading the word to mothers, sisters, and friends. I for one would love to see the rate of women with Osteoporosis drop. What if we can help do that by spreading awareness?
Here are some free On the Go Women recipes for you to enjoy!
I hope you have a wonderful day, and can create moments to reflect on what you are grateful for. I think it will leave you smiling and feeling good :)
Have you ever taken your health for granted like I have?
Don't let osteoporosis slow you down
Are you concerned that osteoporosis could get in the way of the things you love — or need — to do? The good news is, you may be able to take action now to strengthen your bones. And if you’re already taking an osteoporosis treatment, you may have options you don't know about.
Could you be at risk for osteoporosis? Find out now at http://onthegowomen.ca