Farewell to 2011- to all your happy memories, the tough moments, and the love. This year past was a gift. One I will be eternally grateful for.
I look forward to the New Year- the fresh start, adventures to come, and time with those I love! This year make time for YOU to increase your well-being. Exercise, create healthy meals, meditate or take quiet time, and spend time with friends, because our time here does not last forever. Connect with people. They need you as you need them.
Ring in the New Year with harmony, peace & love!
You are a child of the universe *~*
You are AMAZING!
Happy New Year ♥ With much Love!
“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” ~James Dean

~Wishing my little girl, my living angel, a very
Happy Birthday!
There are no words to express how much I love you, but I promise to
always do my best to make sure you can feel the infinite energy of my
love ♥.