I’m away visiting the beautiful state of Montana! Soaking up the scenery, breathing in the fresh air, and letting nature do its miraculous work of healing, renewing, and inspiring. In my absence I have prepared for you two very basic recipes (if you can even call them that) in an attempt to inspire you to find joy in food in its most fundamental form. These recipes are simple and worked out beautifully. Please enjoy! :)
Pita Chips
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Cut Whole Wheat Pitas into triangles
Spread evenly on pan
Bake approximately 8 minutes
Delicious served with Salsa or Guacamole
Cut Whole Wheat Pitas into triangles
Spread evenly on pan
Bake approximately 8 minutes
Delicious served with Salsa or Guacamole
Homemade Skinny Jam
(Who needs measurements!)

Frozen Mixed Berries
Juice of 1 Lemon
2 sprigs of Rosemary (optional)
In a pot over medium-low heat combine frozen wild berries, the juice of one lemon, and a very tiny amount of water to lightly coat the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle in cinnamon. Add two sprigs of rosemary. Let reduce until a thick consistency. Discard Rosemary sprigs.
The jam is lovely on toast or in a bowl of oats. It is super simple and you won’t even miss excess the sugar. The way nature intended!
The jam is lovely on toast or in a bowl of oats. It is super simple and you won’t even miss excess the sugar. The way nature intended!