Today, I am fortunate to share with you a dear friend, Aly Dahl! A woman who inspires not only me, but many others, to follow their heart and their dreams. She not only talks the talk, she is walking the walk.
After the birth of her second child she left the finance world, went back to school, and began turning her hobby and passion for making jewelry into a business. It takes a lot of guts to make that move, and Aly is one strong, amazing woman turning dreams into reality!
In the process of creating a job that she is truly passionate about she has learned some important life lessons along the way about what really matters in life. Not only can the beautiful work Aly creates inspire you, there is a lot you can learn from her journey, especially any of you interested in taking the leap into entrepreneurship, or becoming a MOMpreneur as I like to call her.
It gives me great pleasure to now say...
Please Welcome, Aly Dahl!

Aly Dahl
Aly Dahl Designs
Can you tell us a little bit about your background?
I am a Mom of a 4 year old and a soon to be 3 year old, after quitting my job of 15 years in the finance world not long after my youngest was born I decided to follow my passion of designing and creating jewellery. I have been designing and making jewellery for just over 10 years and for the past 2 years I have focused my hobby as my business.
Over the last 2 years I have re-focused my outlook on life. Revaluating what is truly important to me and what success looks like. Success used to be about the amount of money I made, how many hours I worked, the title I carried. It is now about living an authentic life, putting a lot more value on happiness, love, togetherness, and enjoying the moments that make me smile.
What does a typical day look like for you?
My son who is almost 3 will yell from his room that he is awake and then saunter into our room, climb up our bed and do a bum drop somewhere on my body leaving a good sized bruise. I then lean over and grab my blackberry where I update myself on the on-goings of my business, my friends, and read my favorite blogs (first one is always give love create happiness and I’m not just saying that). My husband is normally up at this point and makes me a delicious latte. Once I sit down at my computer it is game over, I am stuck there for hours. Orders are made in the afternoon/evening and then the creative for sale stuff is made. After the kids have gone to bed I try to spend some time with my hubby either catching up on a favorite TV show, or I paint while he writes.
I love, love, love fairs, parades, community events. If there is something going on we will likely make an appearance. When I get a chance to, Yoga is my all time favourite way to spend some time with myself, second would be creating a painting with a space in mind.
When you hear the word happiness what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Being with my kids, watching them grow, make mistakes, figure things out... Laugh... I love it all
What makes you beautiful?
I have a big heart, full of empathy and love. I am always evolving; if something isn’t working I am open to change. My ability to adapt is beautiful.
What was a favorite activity of yours as a child?
Skiing, I grew up in a small town 30 minutes from a ski mountain. We spent the winters on the hill. 5 days before I turned 16, I kissed a tree after doing an amazing jump and my career was over. 7 knee surgeries later I enjoy watching the Olympics on my TV.
If you could get paid to do anything what would it be?
What I am doing right now, when deciding to leave corporate Canada I decided to do something I loved doing. It would involve being creative, being home with the kids, ability to travel, and being my own boss.
What is one area of your life you would like to improve?
I am currently on a “looking in the mirror” kick... Taking a good hard look at myself, exposing the ugly parts of “me”, everything from what I eat and drink to words that come out of my mouth when I am PMSing or stressed out. I am taking responsibility for my actions and words and one by one trying to change.
What is one responsibility you would love for someone else to take over?
BOOK KEEPING! And Web design... I can’t decide which one eats more of my time.
Celebrating in life can bring so much joy! Do you have a favorite holiday you celebrate?
I know they are not technically holidays... but I love Birthdays, I love creating a perfect day for my kids. Some say I go overboard, but as an ex-event planner I know I could go bigger should I have the budget one day.... When my kids were born I vowed to always take their birthdays off work and just celebrate.
Growing up we were always allowed to open one present on Christmas eve (it was always new PJ’s) and I have done the same for my kids.. I love seeing how excited they get over opening pyjamas!
What is one life lesson you have learned and would like to share with others?
The only person who is responsible for your own happiness is you. That money and things are not a path to happiness... love is measured in laughter, hugs, tears and kisses, wet sloppy booger laden kisses.
How can others best give you support?
I sell my jewelry on line at and for those in the Metro Vancouver area I also do in-home sales where I come to your home for a small group of your friends and set up my stock for a hands on, touch and try on evening. You can email me at [email protected]
Have a great Friday and weekend friends!
Be sure to find Aly here:
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