Today, I am very happy to share with you Melanie Adey of Whimsical Creations! Melanie is a talented artist, blogger, and MOMpreneur. When I first came across Melanie it was through her blog, and soon afterwards I found her shop and just adored her work. From there I could instantly feel her passion and love for what she does, which I find truly inspiring. After getting to know Melanie even better through this interview I realized her craft has childhood roots, which only made me smile more! Looking at Melanie’s fabulous photos also made me quickly realize she is quite the talented photographer as well. Melanie’s creativity, eye for beauty and detail, and ability to create a job that matches her passion and talent, makes her a wonderful example of what one can accomplish when their heart and mind align.
It gives me pleasure to say...
Please Welcome, Melanie Adey!

Melanie Adey
Whimsical Creations
Can you tell us a little bit about your background?
I am the artist behind Whimsical Creations. I have loved creating things since I can remember. I started making ornaments out of salt dough as a child with my mom. Over time I changed from Salt Dough to Polymer Clay.
What are you currently focusing your energy on in your life?
My family and growing my business.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I am a SAHM, so most of my day revolves around my children. Being a SAHM has its advantages. While my daughter is playing I can hop on my laptop to check my e-mail, etc and create with clay.
I have many favorite family activities; the weekends are typically full of family adventures. Those family adventures give me many opportunities to take a bunch of photos...another one of my favorite pastimes. I also love creating with clay, scrapbooking, reading blogs and watching too much TV.
When you hear the word happiness what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Listening to my kids laugh as hard as they can. Makes me smile every time.
What makes you beautiful?
This one is hard. My smile. I am grateful to my parents' for my beautiful smile....braces were a good investment.
What was a favorite activity of yours as a child?
Making things with my mother.
If you could get paid to do anything what would it be?
Blog, take photos and make clay creations.
What is one area of your life you would like to improve?
I would love to stop procrastinating. I have been terrible lately.
What is one responsibility you would love for someone else to take over?
Cleaning my house.
Celebrating in life can bring so much joy! Do you have a favorite holiday you celebrate?
I love Christmas. I started making my polymer clay ornaments as gifts for people. I usually give a Christmas tin full of ornaments I create as wedding presents. =)
What favorite tradition have you passed down to your children?
My kids put their stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning the kids go through their stockings and wait for us to wake up to go down stairs. My sister and I did that when we were children.
What is one life lesson you have learned and would like to share with others?
Enjoy every moment. Life goes by so fast and is too short to wishing you could re-do things.
How can others best give you support?
They can follow my journey through life on my blog,
Thank you Melanie for sharing and for inspiring us!
Have a great Friday and weekend friends!
Be sure to find Melanie here:
If I may suggest something, I highly recommend you become a fan by pressing Like on her Page. I love seeing her new creations and custom orders on Facebook! ♥