Recently, I found out Tiernan is working on a new project called Baby Banter. I highly recommend you check it out after reading her inspirational interview. I think you’ll find it very entertaining.
It gives me pleasure to now say...
Please welcome the lovely and talented, Tiernan!
Interview 4 Inspiration
Writer and Small Business Owner

Can you tell us a little bit about your background?
I've lived in 13 different states. I've been riding horses since I was 5. My professional background is in TV news and corporate communications. I have a Master's in English and I love college football.
Raising my three little kids (ages 3, 5 and 6), slowly remodeling an older house, teaching my oldest how to ride, writing, writing, writing.
I wake up, get the kids ready for school, make breakfasts and lunches and walk to the bus stop. Then I drop my youngest off at pre-school 2 days a week, head to yoga and then head to the barn. When I get home, I usually write for an hour or two, then clean or shop. When the kids get home, it's off to their activities (golf, soccer, barn) then dinner is made, homework is done and bedtime arrives. Then, I do 2 loads of laundry and write from 9-11p. I have several freelance writing jobs and a new project called Baby Banter, which is so much fun. I get to comment on life through the eyes of an 11-month old, Carmen.
What are your favorite family or solo activities?
Riding horses and yoga (alone or with my daughter), hiking (with the family), cooking (with my mom).
When you hear the word happiness what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Freedom...and passion (not necessarily in that order)
The fact that I'm ok with not being perfect....this extends to my body, my house, my past, my relationships and my faith.
What was a favorite activity of yours as a child?
If you could get paid to do anything what would it be?
Ride horses (yes, there is a trend here) or write. Right now, one pays for the other.
What is one area of your life you would like to improve?
I would LOVE to be more organized but it's just not in my genes.
What is one responsibility you would love for someone else to take over?
Laundry and/or food shopping.
Celebrating in life can bring so much joy! Do you have a favorite holiday you celebrate?
The 4th of July and Memorial Day are my favorite holidays because they are pure, teachable celebrations that haven't really been commercialized.
What favorite tradition have you passed down to your children?
We celebrate the members of my family who have been in the military for Memorial Day.
What is one life lesson you have learned and would like to share with others?
It all works out. When you think it's the end of the world, it's probably just the beginning of an adventure.
How can others best give you support?
By having realistic expectations. Being a stay-at-home, working mother is exhausting, especially because I'm absolutely dedicated to nurturing my own interests as well as those of my husband and children. Maybe that's a nice way of setting a low bar of expectation when it comes to commitments outside of my family, but I'm ok with that...
Thank you Tiernan, for sharing your life and for inspiring us to nurture our passions and those of our loved ones! Your life advice “it all works out” is superb. I can’t even begin to count the number of times this has proven true in my own life. Keeping this wisdom in mind can alleviate much unnecessary stress, and I truly appreciate you pointing it out.
Have a great Friday and weekend friends!
Be sure to find more from Tiernan at