possibilities of great impact you can have on this world. You were born for a reason.
Our biggest mistake is thinking that our one small action isn’t enough to make a difference. We get caught up in the excuses that stop us from taking action. It is in taking action that you will begin to more fully understand why you were given the gift of life. Watch this video to find out how you can change lives and leave this world a better place than when you first arrived.
Thank you for watching friends!
Please share with us –
Have you ever thought about a topic you’re passionate about and want to create positive change? What makes you worked up inside? Do you have any
ideas of what action you can take?
You have the power to get the ball rolling, to inspire all those around you to do the same. It is not that our actions need to be huge it is that we all take a step towards the world we wish to create. A world where we ask ourselves -What would love do?
“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do.”
~ Leonardo da Vinci
With love & gratitude,
Wendy Irene
*A special Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Rachel! May all your wishes come true *~*