When someone is hurting don’t be scared off or believe in the notion that there is nothing you can do. That is simply not true! There IS something you can do. You can give them your love, your thoughts, your prayers. Your love enwraps people and can help them carry on, even though it cannot change the past.
In any difficult situation you have ever faced, what did you need the most? Unconditional love and support. The more love from the more people, the more energy to lift another up. When you have an opportunity to send your love in whatever form, it is what you give that matters most!
Through the power of blogging I have been blessed with the opportunity to make a new friend, Monet. Monet is a lovely woman inside and out. Among other things, she is brilliant writer and superb baker. When I read her writing, I daydream of visiting a cozy and beautiful bakery that she one day owns. Where customers visit to see her smile, listen to her stories, and experience a piece of heaven on a plate.
Monet’s website is one of those sites you visit and feel astonished by the incredible talent behind it. With each post she warms your heart. Her love of people, especially her family touches each one of her readers. Then there are her incredible baked creations... Oh my! If only you could taste via the internet, but I feel lucky just to be able to virtually taste through her beautiful photography and awe-inspiring words.
Sadly, Monet is facing tough times and a long road ahead. Members of her family were involved in a fatal car accident. Although she has many remarkable friends, one can never receive too much love. It would mean so much to me personally if you would take a moment to think of her and her family and send your miraculous love. When you visit her site- Anecdotes and Apple Cores, I believe she will capture your heart like she has mine.
Love, Thoughts, & Prayers Monet ♥
"I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” ~Maya Angelou www.finestquotes.com
“Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.” ~Madeline Bridges www.finestquotes.com
“Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.” ~Elbert Hubbard thinkexist.com