When they contacted me about being a part of this contest I was both excited and unsure at the same time. Here is the full disclosure- I don’t personally eat pork. There is not a fantastic story or great reason behind it. I just don’t like it. It is important to me for you to know that first and be completely honest.
However, that being said, I am not the only one in my household and my family does eat pork. I saw this contest as a great opportunity to feed my family something different than the norm. Since I’m the one that does most of the grocery shopping they put up with my likes and dislikes in terms of food often enough already.
That plus I like a challenge! It makes life fun. Creating a recipe staring an ingredient I don’t usually buy certainly adds to it. To further challenge myself I decided I wanted to make a recipe with only a few ingredients, and use mainly items I typically have in my house, because really who wants to spend even more money on groceries than we already do? Not me!
First I put on the apron Maple Leaf sent me for inspiration.
I was searching through the fridge looking for ideas and inspiration. Our Jack Daniels mustard was staring back at me and I thought perfect I’ll use this delicious ingredient! When I was a kid I don’t think I would have ever eaten a sauce containing mustard. Then in my twenties (I can say that now because I’m no longer in my twenties!) my father-in-law introduced me to his Dijon mustard sauce recipe that he uses on fish. The sauce was served over Salmon and for me the sauce completely made the dish. So I came to the conclusion that a mustard sauce on pork would make the pork taste better too (cross my fingers)!
Originally I was going to name the recipe Porky the Pig Meets Jack Daniels the Mustard, but that just didn’t have a winning ring to it. How many winning recipes have you heard of with names like that? So I decided to tone it down a bit and came up with the name Jack Daniels Pork Medallions. Much better, right? Cause everything is better with Jack! One thing you should know about my family – Jack Daniels is a BIG hit, just with the adults of course! ;-) FYI – did you know they make Jack Daniels pellets for your BBQ?
OK enough jiber-jaber onto the recipe.
Here are the ingredients:
· 1package Maple Leaf Prime Pork Loin Boneless Chops– approximately 0.400kg
· 1 tablespoon butter
· 1 clove of garlic, minced
· 2 shallots, finely chopped
· ¼ cup Jack Daniels Dijon Mustard
· ½ cup Panko Japanese-Style Bread Crumbs
· ½ teaspoon pizza seasoning blend
Preheat oven to 425ºF
Between 2 sheets of waxed paper pound pork loin chops to ½ inch thickness, set aside.
In a shallow dish combine Panko bread crumbs and pizza seasoning.
When the butter is melted add chopped shallots and garlic and sauté until lightly browned, 3 to 5 minutes.
To make things easier line up pork loin chops, skillet with mustard sauce, seasoned Panko crumbs, followed by a baking dish.
Coat both sides of pork loin in mustard sauce.
Repeat process for each pork loin.
Serve and Enjoy!
Hubs was the first one to try out the recipe. It was zoiling hot in our place so Hubs was ofcourse going shirt-less. I insisted he try out the apron –
1. Because I knew he would do an excellent job of modeling it
2. Because I didn’t want to get too much nipple in the shot! As much as I know you would enjoy that it’s supposed to be about the recipe, right?
Here he is! Drum roll please...
Besides his word I know he enjoyed it because he finished it off. J
Now I need your help! But first here is the short version minus the commentary in case you would like to print it off and give it a try.
Jack Daniels Pork Medallions by Wendy Irene

· 1package Maple Leaf Prime Pork Loin Boneless Chops– approximately 0.400kg
· 1 tablespoon butter
· 1 clove of garlic, minced
· 2 shallots, finely chopped
· ¼ cup Jack Daniels Dijon Mustard
· ½ cup Panko Japanese-Style Bread Crumbs
· ½ teaspoon pizza seasoning blend
Preheat oven to 425ºF
Between 2 sheets of waxed paper pound pork loin chops to ½ inch thickness, set aside.
In a shallow dish combine Panko bread crumbs and pizza seasoning.
In a small skillet over medium heat melt butter.
When the butter is melted add chopped shallots and garlic and sauté until lightly browned, 3 to 5 minutes.
Whisk in Jack Daniels mustard.
To make things easier line up pork loin chops, skillet with mustard sauce, seasoned Panko crumbs, followed by a baking dish.
Coat both sides of pork loin in mustard sauce.
Dip coated pork loin into Panko bread crumbs generously covering with bread crumbs on both sides.
Place on baking sheet.
Repeat process for each pork loin.
Bake for approximately 15 minutes, when the pork reaches an internal temperature of 160ºF.
Serve and Enjoy!
In order to win the recipe competition I really need your help! The person who wins the contest will be the one with the most votes. The winner will receive a $500 grocery store gift certificate. Pretty sweet considering we spend a ridiculous amount of money there! If I win I might even splurge and buy my husband some of those pens he has been asking for. So not only would you be helping me out but you’d be helping him out too! The kids as well of course because I do tend to feed them the occasional 10 -15 times per day! J
· In order to vote you need to first like the Maple Leaf Prime Facebook Page by following the link, and from there you can vote. There are a limited number of coupons for voters to receive as well.
· The contest runs from Saturday August 7 – Friday October 15, and you can vote daily- once every 24 hours.
So if you’re on Facebook, say daily, and you wouldn’t mind popping over to vote for me I’d really appreciate it!!
Thanks, friends!
Have a fantastic day! J
♥Wendy Irene
Question of the day:
Do you have a favorite kind of mustard?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts in the comments!