The web page I ended up at most likely had nothing to do with the add, but I am glad it worked out that way. I firmly believe in the intricate workings of the universe, and that things can happen for a reason. The site I ended up at was Dr. A.J. Schuler’s Personal Growth and Development: How to Maximize Your Strengths article.
The first piece of information and bottom line in his article on personal growth is to “identify what you do best, and do more of it. Identify what you do worst, and stop doing it.” I was instantly intrigued. My thoughts ran something like this:
How simple, it is so logical, and I want to keep thinking about this.
Is this something most people know and practice in their lives?
What a great thing to share for those who have not considered it before.
Although I have not wrapped my mind around it 1000% yet, it makes a lot of sense to me. I am all for doing what brings you the most happiness in your life. What is more important than love and happiness? Think about how you feel when you do something you do best, usually it makes you happy. And when you are spending time doing something you are not good at, a lot of the time you are simply unhappy. To create more happiness in your life it makes sense to focus on the things that make you feel good, like your talents.
We have all been told that practice can make you better. So what if practicing, or devoting a lot of time to something you are not good at doesn’t make sense, or make the most of your life? Do you really want to spend your time and energy devoted to something you don’t like just to lessen the impact?
Of course there are times when doing something we aren’t good at is essential in life, and warrants our energy. Otherwise most of us might have cooks, or a cleaning staff. With my sense of direction, I would have a driver for sure. But, hey I don’t want to close any doors ;-)
What if each time we find ourselves engaged in an activity we dislike or don’t have a talent for, we make a conscious decision. Is partaking in this activity essential, or am I just draining my happiness by doing it? The beauty in the world being filled with infinite kinds of people is that we don’t all have to be good at everything. So why focus on being good at something you are not, and put a better use to your energy whenever possible?
As much as you can, spend your time on things you are passionate about, things you would do no matter what.
This relates to the purpose of my blog in that I love to share! It is a passion of mine. Writing for me is not my passion, or something I consider a talent, its greatest importance in my life is that it is a means of sharing. That is what I love.
I became particularly interested, on a more serious level, to personal growth with the birth of my kids. This came from the biggest desire that most of us parents have, that we want the best for our kids. What exactly is the best? Well to me it is that my kids are happy and loving individuals. All the rest is pale in comparison.
The next step was what is the best way to ensure that my children are happy and loving people? It was then that I fully, deep down realized, the best thing I can do to help my children achieve this is to lead by example. The reality is my husband and I are the single biggest influences on our young children. I need to work on my own personal growth, not only for my sake but for theirs.
After completely coming to terms with that realization, I decided to spend more time reading about personal development. The books I choose to read; when I manage to squeeze it in, mainly revolve around this.
The blog comes into play because not only do I care about my personal growth, and the growth of my children, I care about yours. I truly mean that. I am passionate about sharing, and hope that in time over seeing my development, it can help someone in their growth. Well, then all the hard work, and time devoted writing will be worth it!
This blog is my way of giving back, in exactly the capacity I am capable of doing with focusing on 2 young children.
It is my way of giving love, and creating happiness not only for myself, and my family, but in my greatest hopes for all of you.
Thanking you for reading, for enlightening me, and for the help on my path.
Wendy Irene
Are there any thoughts on personal growth you would to share?