"One of the most arduous spiritual tasks is that of giving up control and allowing the Spirit of God to lead our lives." ~ Henri Nouwen
There have been times in my life I have resisted and caused myself pain. At the last second, I went to a different collage then the one my heart was set on because I thought it made more sense financially. You don’t even want to know how much is costs to go to the college I went to now. When I got to the first college I attended I couldn’t stop crying because I knew I was in the wrong place, despite what my mind said made the most sense on paper. After 1 semester I let go, and switched to the place I knew I belonged and was much happier. Obviously, I was meant to meet my husband there.
It seems like no matter where on the consciousness ladder you are spirit continually pushes you lovingly to grow more and to let go even more. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I’m totally jealous Eckhart Tolle had a one-time massive break into enlightenment, sounds nicer. This being who I am has caused me a ton of stress. I mean c-mon I’m talking to you about angels, ghosts, fairies, tree-spirits, ascended beings; extra-terrestrials to name a few and I know I’ve only just begun now newly embracing this. Worrying WAY too much about how absolutely insane it appears on the outside, and trust me I know it sounds completely crazy, but it IS the truth and eventually more and more people will know and understand that. Someone has to go first, and Doreen Virtue and my teacher Belinda Davidson who is close to my age have been doing it much longer than I in an even less accepting world. They are not only my teachers, they truly inspire me. The car accident was another wake up call, because I was not listening to the subtle whispers. Just like Oprah teaches, life will give you subtle whispers and if you ignore them they keep getting louder and louder until an airbag pounds you in the chest.
The car accident helped me start to let go more of what other people think, because hey I’m alive and I know I have Archangel Michael to thank for that. Two, it also shows me I’ve been trying to control life again and make it look the way I think it’s supposed to look. Well staying really comfortable all the time is not growth is it? No matter how much you love and trust in the Universe/God/Your Higher-Self, and I already feel like I do that a lot, you can always do more and life school likes to show us that. The miracle that happens, the rainbow after the storm is that it just keeps getting better, better than you even imagined or thought it could, so you have to weather the storm, try to dance in the rain, and wait for the rainbow, which in my life has always proved to be completely worth it.
As someone whose psychic abilities have opened up, I often get warnings and premonitions somewhat ahead of time, like hearing the song Paradise by Coldplay last weekend before the car accident when I was in Green Bluff, basically saying to me, “Hey Wendy, Heads up the sun IS going to set.” I also go through things ahead of other people first, and then do it all over again with them, so basically going through the emotions of each experience 2 times for every person’s 1. Not to mention as an empath I can absorb other people’s feeling, on top of the fact that I have my own. I can feel when someone is angry at me or hurt, or just being mean (absolutely no judgement I do all the same things) and they can be on the other side of the country. It’s my job to protect myself better from that, but when you’re in a fragile place it’s a lot harder to do.
The fact that I’ve been crumbling as well as some spiritual leaders I admire from my generation makes me feel like this is a strong premonition of what’s to come for our country. I’m not saying this to cause you fear, the less fear we hold about it the better. Crumbling apart causes us to build something better and stronger, and we so badly need to hold onto each other through these waves of change. The more positive our outlook and the higher our vibration, the easier and more peaceful these changes will go… so lately I feel like I’ve been working tirelessly trying to raise the vibration and light. This is always best done IN person, although I have no doubt online helps too, and that’s the main reason I ask you to share it.
It seems like I’ve been having more dark attacks, especially on my Facebook page. It blows my mind how long some people will spend writing them so I’m sorry if you happen to see them. I do my best to delete them but they wait until the middle of the night sometimes. I’m taking this as a very good sign that the light is getting out there even more if the darkness is sensing it. The last one specifically mentioned Archangel Metatron who I feel the presence of the most and work closely with, so that lit my fire and I posted a picture from a soccer field that I asked for help capturing. You mostly have to trust the things you cannot see or understand though. You have to reach deep within your heart to find out the truth.
I hope you’ll stick with me as I’m going to try hard to keep people from drowning in the title waves of change that a lot of us mystics feel is coming. The only way to safety is to wake up and live consciously. I love the water. I was a lifeguard young at 15. Now this... my light work... is my way of helping you learn to swim deep below the waves as an adult. Just like when you're swimming in the ocean and you have to dive under the wave before it crashes on you. On Long Island, where I used to visit my grandparents (Mom's) we had some pretty big waves, and once in a while you got caught in the undertow and tumbled hard. That's OK because it makes you a stronger, smarter, better swimmer. You guys are amazing, and you mean the world to me, so I really appreciate those of you who have stood by me despite switching from topics that are popular on my website to the things that really matter to me, spiritual awakening. Spirit really is our source of everything, and God has always found a way to make sure I can do the work I came to this earth to do, and I have faith it will forever continue.
“Spirit is in a state of grace forever. Your reality is only spirit. Therefore you are in a state of grace forever.”
~ A Course in Miracle
Wendy Irene