This necklace reminds me to choose to give love in the moments when you could either laugh or cry, because your emotions overwhelm you. A reminder to choose to give love, instead of anger in those moments your children or loved ones upset you. And as a Mom I have had a few of those J.
Not only is this necklace special to me because it reminds me of what I want to remember most, to give love. It is also special because it was created by an inspirational friend Aly. Aly is a busy Mom who didn’t let fear stop her in taking a risk to create her own happiness. She stopped her former career, went back to school to pursue her dreams and do what she loves, create beautiful pieces of jewelry that hold special meaning for others. She works very hard, and has created many amazing pieces that I have seen firsthand touch other’s hearts with special meaning for them.
Tokens of reminder have long been used to remember things as little as picking up bread on the way home, or returning a movie. But what about those big very important things we want to remember most. A reminder to be the person we want to be. A reminder to be true to ourselves and not let obstacles get in the way of that.
I always want to be reminded to give love in every situation, and now around my neck is my special little reminder, that I also love to look at.
To see more of Aly’s beautiful work you can catch her at: &
Do you carry tokens of reminder around with you?