Money is simply energy. If you can look at it as nothing more than that it can help you to let go of any fears you have surrounding it. Many of us grew up with a lack mentality. If someone else has more, than that means I have less. Or if your parents were always looking to spend as little possible or always wanting to find the cheapest deal you may have inadvertently learned to think in terms of lack, as opposed to someone who had a childhood where everything that was a need was provided for them.
The universe does not think in lack. The universe is infinitely abundant and you draw things to you with your energy. The best way to have a more abundant life is to re-write any negative mental loops regarding money, and more importantly change your energy towards it. Remember the universe loves you and wants to care for you. It’s our job to get out of our own way so the universe can guide us and do its thing.
Here are a few positive money mantras I’ve learned along the way that I believe help create a state of abundance. Try them out and let me know how it goes. Changing your attitude towards money creates more positive energy and feels a lot less stressful too.
The universe does not think in lack. The universe is infinitely abundant and you draw things to you with your energy. The best way to have a more abundant life is to re-write any negative mental loops regarding money, and more importantly change your energy towards it. Remember the universe loves you and wants to care for you. It’s our job to get out of our own way so the universe can guide us and do its thing.
Here are a few positive money mantras I’ve learned along the way that I believe help create a state of abundance. Try them out and let me know how it goes. Changing your attitude towards money creates more positive energy and feels a lot less stressful too.
1. Organize Your Cash
There are many people who believe using cash is the best way to stay on budget. For some reason we tend to think more about handing over cash for a purchase than swiping a card. If you are someone who uses cash, take the time to make sure all your bills are facing in the same direction, and are in order by amount. Something I heard Tony Robbins say once inspired me to place my larger bills on top and my smaller ones below. This helps me to feel more abundant. It’s the feeling abundant that has a positive impact on your energy and therefore what you draw into you.
2. Mantra to Relieve Stress About Money
Whenever I feel stressed about money or I catch myself saying something negative this is my go to money mantra.
“Money flows easily into my life.”
“Money flows easily into my life.”
3. Mantra for When You Spend Money
This next money mantra I learned from Marie Forleo and I think it fabulous so I wanted to pass on the love. Whenever you spend money say to yourself,
“There is plenty more where that came from.”
“There is plenty more where that came from.”
4. If You See It, Pick It Up
Whenever you see money on the ground, even if it’s a penny, pick it up.You can respect that it’s still money. Plus the fairies (nature angels) don’t like to see trash on the ground. You could always try starting a donation jar for any found money to keep the positive energy going.
I hope these four tips help increase positivity and abundance in your life. You deserve to have the life of your dreams, and the best way I know how to get there is by changing your energy. My favorite resource for learning to have a more abundant mindset is Abraham-Hicks. Besides books there are many free videos you can listen to on YouTube. Try listening to it while you’re doing the laundry or commuting to work. I think you’ll find your beliefs around money will start to change quickly in a very beneficial way.
With love and gratitude,
Wendy Irene
With love and gratitude,
Wendy Irene