Hello lovely, The red rose bush is blooming in our garden!! I'm so excited and in awe of its beauty. Recently, I had a bouquet of roses in my kitchen as well, so I'm really embracing the energy of the rose. I read in the tarot the rose is the symbol of balance. One of my favorite cards in my most beloved tarot deck has a picture of the goddess Isis on it, with the scales of justice, also representing balance. May you feel balance in your life, and if you're in need of balance consider being near a rose. Flowers for me, instantaneously lift me up. I hope you enjoy the most recent tarot readings. They are timeless, meaning when you see them is when you're meant to. I believe in the magic of the universe and its divine timing. Sending energy from my heart to yours! |
Aquarius 💖 - A Wish Is Coming True!!!✨😊☀️🥰
Pisces 🔥♥️ - Your Confidence Is Creating Miracles!! ☀️✨💕
Aries 🔥❤️ - Releasing What No Longer Serves You. A Loyal Offer Of Love 🌕
Taurus - My Beautiful Taurus❤️, You've Been Through It! Things Are Turning In Your Favor!✨💓
Gemini - Your Prayers Are Being Heard! A Wish Come True! ✨🌕💖
Cancer - Exciting News! You Must Here This!!✨❤️
Leo - ❤️ Your Life is Changing for the Better, Especially in Romance!! 💒😍
Virgo - I am SO proud of you!! You Need To Hear This Message Of Love & Magic
Libra - 💖 Your Person Is Being Motivated To Come In Hot and Quick! 🔥❤️
Scorpio - There is Fulfillment For You!✨ Now's the Time to Trust!!💞
Sagittarius - You Are This Person's Shinning Star & Happiness✨ Someone's Making Plans!! 💖💞🌹🦋
Capricorn - The Big Change that will help you thrive and live abundantly!
with love & gratitude,
Wendy Irene