The more I am in touch with my inner power, the more great things that happen in my life. The more grateful I feel, the happier I am, and the cycle continues. Find how to get this wheel moving in your life, maybe at first slowly, but as the wheel gains momentum the more magical life becomes. I aim to flow with the motion of the wheel, and not against it. Just that simple act has the power to create so much good in life.
Taking time to smile inwardly about all the things I am incredibly grateful for in my life only seems to create more of them. Your dreams CAN come true. Start by making wishes, and letting go of the outcomes. It is the most peaceful way to live acceptance while creating your dreams at the same time. Sometimes the universe knows what is in your best interest
before you do. Can you think of a time you’ve been grateful for that?
The journey inward has taught me patience and faith, both in more abundance than I knew I had. As a child I was not very patient. Now as an adult, I know that what I seek comes from within. It is all there, everything I need inside. I have faith that the universe will take care of everything I need. That faith not only gives me peace, but it helps to co-create everything I’ve dreamed of and more.
“God can dream a bigger dream for you then you could ever dream for yourself.” ~ Oprah
It’s a beautiful union the soul and the universe.
I am eternally grateful.