When you make time for meditation, you make time for your innate blissful state to take over. You make time to connect with your soul. Meditation is so important because it is vital to our true happiness to surrender to our soul. To trust that it knows best. To let it guide you on your path. You are in your happiest state when your soul is in charge.
Meditating allows you to detach from your ego, and oh my how we all need time for that! Just thinking about the ego gives me a headache with all its drama and worry. The ego is not you and you need time and space to detach from it to fully realize how special, lovable, and amazing you are. You need time to detach from the ego to really love your life. The ego keeps you from loving your life, and meditation is my favorite way to send it bye bye and let your soul shine through.
You are magnificent and you always have been. Any time you've felt less than it’s the ego being allowed to take over and run the show. Meditate today. Give yourself time to feel the peaceful bliss wash over you. Give yourself time to feel the unconditional love that you truly are at your core. You'll feel so much more connected to yourself if you do, and then you can go back into your day living and breathing the miracle being that you are.
With love and light,
Wendy Irene