Rachel is especially in touch with the souls of animals. Something that was very apparent early on. In fact, I suspect she sees them as more than merely animals, she sees them as beings. They are her and she is them. It is a union many of us are not bravely open enough to fully understand.
Rachel is the courageous girl who asked the boy everyone is ignoring at the school function to dance. She has taught me a great many lessons. She accepts and loves me even though I subjected her to some pretty crazy things as children- such as making her wipe her feet off before climbing into my bed :0)
Happy Birthday!!! I love you eternally, Rachel!
Your beauty shines from the inside out☼
Have a wonderful weekend, friends! I’ve decided to join Twitter @Wendy_Irene if you would like to keep in touch with me there. It is even more fun than I was expecting ☺