At the end of August, when I took my children in for their yearly appointment with the doctor, he sent us home with a list of his recommendations for children and adults. I thought I would share the list with you, as I would love to get your opinion!
1. Multi-Vitamin
2. Vitamin C 250-500mg (in flu season)
3. Calcium/Magnesium Vitamin D 400 units/day (if poor milk drinkers)
4. Omega 3- children’s chewable 1/day
*Eat 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
*Drink Pomegranate Juice daily
For Adults:
1. Multi-Vitamin (Female/Male- different)
2. Vitamin C-500mg
3. Calcium/Magnesium Vitamin D 800-1000 units/day (2:1 ratio Cal:Mag)
4. Omega-fish oil (3-9) or flax oil-(3) (DHA+EPA= at least 1000)- 2 pills per day
5. Co Q 10 (for heart)- (for 40 yrs & older)
6. Glucosamine (1 pill) (for joints) – for athletes or all older than 30 years
7. Probiotics – (for everyone) 1 tab/day
8. Flax Seed (grind in coffee grinder and eat with cereal
*Eat 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
*Drink Pomegranate Juice daily
Currently, I personally am taking a multi-vitamin and vitamin D. I’ve had my vitamin D level tested and it is low. To tell the truth, I wasn’t all that surprised my vitamin D level was low living so far north. Our family loves to buy the big bottles of POM wonderful juice from Costco. Although I don’t drink juice often I might consider drinking a small glass of Pomegranate juice daily.
A week later I took this list to my doctor to get her opinion. The impression I got from her is that she thought they were all a good idea and it depended on the commitment you wanted to make. Taking 8 can be overwhelming for some. Her top 3 picks were the Multi-Vitamin, Vitamin D, and Omega-3.
As I sort through my thoughts, to figure out what direction I want to take, I would love to get your opinion.
Do you take vitamins and supplements? Do you give them to your children? Do you think they are a good idea, or something we are better off skipping?
Please share your thoughts in the comments below!