Hi Gorgeous!
This week I’m working with the Mary Queen of Angels deck by Doreen Virtue. Mary’s divine feminine energy is incredibly loving, and I want to take a moment to let you know it doesn’t matter what religion or faith you are, you can call upon this energy whenever you are in need of motherly love. You were born with this love surrounding you, and no matter what your circumstances you can call on this love to be with you and to nurture you. The truth is you are infinitely loved and you always will be, so open your heart to this divine energy and let it fill you with light. All that is asked of you is that you let the love in.
A few quick pictures before we get to the video. You may know by now my love of fairies and so it is with much joy I share with you this adorable sign my beautiful sister gave me.
This week I’m working with the Mary Queen of Angels deck by Doreen Virtue. Mary’s divine feminine energy is incredibly loving, and I want to take a moment to let you know it doesn’t matter what religion or faith you are, you can call upon this energy whenever you are in need of motherly love. You were born with this love surrounding you, and no matter what your circumstances you can call on this love to be with you and to nurture you. The truth is you are infinitely loved and you always will be, so open your heart to this divine energy and let it fill you with light. All that is asked of you is that you let the love in.
A few quick pictures before we get to the video. You may know by now my love of fairies and so it is with much joy I share with you this adorable sign my beautiful sister gave me.
Thank you, Rachel!
Fairies are great manifestors and it’s true the more who believe in them the better their ability to help our planet. They are the guardians of plants and animals. The fairies are of this earthly plane so they do have egos, like we do, but they’re happy to help those who care about the environment and animals, and do what they can to keep this earth wild and beautiful. You may even have some fairies in your home if you have indoor plants or pets.
A picture of my sister, Rachel and I.
Fairies are great manifestors and it’s true the more who believe in them the better their ability to help our planet. They are the guardians of plants and animals. The fairies are of this earthly plane so they do have egos, like we do, but they’re happy to help those who care about the environment and animals, and do what they can to keep this earth wild and beautiful. You may even have some fairies in your home if you have indoor plants or pets.
A picture of my sister, Rachel and I.
By the way the matching sunglasses were not planned. Even though we live on different coasts we picked the same ones and didn’t even know it, lol. Sisterly love.
Next up is a picture of an airplant I have hanging in my office. It takes barely any water. Just once per week soaking for an hour. It gives me so much joy hanging in my window. I like to call the blue orb to the bottom left a blue fairy orb. I hope seeing it clears your energy and makes you smile like it does me.
Next up is a picture of an airplant I have hanging in my office. It takes barely any water. Just once per week soaking for an hour. It gives me so much joy hanging in my window. I like to call the blue orb to the bottom left a blue fairy orb. I hope seeing it clears your energy and makes you smile like it does me.
OK, it’s video time! I have a funny little comment to add. My children LOVE to help with the videos. They insist on operating the camera and on showing the oracle deck I’m using. Sometimes the box doesn’t make it fully into the camera screen like today, but it makes me chuckle. Keeping it real around here.
Sending you so much love!
Sending you so much love!
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/rWgQzVzUSSM
With love & gratitude,
Wendy Irene
Wendy Irene