Hello friends!
It’s wonderful to see you for another weekly oracle reading. I hope this message helps you this week, and gives you incites about your intuition.
Just a heads up, this summer my family and I will be traveling a couple times and new posts may go up earlier than usually, or be delayed by a few days. Thank you for being patient with me. What I love absolute most about summer is more time with my children and family, and while being very committed to this beautiful space we share here together, I try to keep it flexible for summer hours. One of the things I strive to remember about life is that we truly do have a lot of power to create a life of joy, and that includes honoring seasons and cycles, and flows of energy.
I hope this season is beautiful for you, wherever you are in the world and that you have a really lovely week.
Be kind to yourself, and the whole world becomes more beautiful.
It’s wonderful to see you for another weekly oracle reading. I hope this message helps you this week, and gives you incites about your intuition.
Just a heads up, this summer my family and I will be traveling a couple times and new posts may go up earlier than usually, or be delayed by a few days. Thank you for being patient with me. What I love absolute most about summer is more time with my children and family, and while being very committed to this beautiful space we share here together, I try to keep it flexible for summer hours. One of the things I strive to remember about life is that we truly do have a lot of power to create a life of joy, and that includes honoring seasons and cycles, and flows of energy.
I hope this season is beautiful for you, wherever you are in the world and that you have a really lovely week.
Be kind to yourself, and the whole world becomes more beautiful.
To leave you on a positive note, here is one of my very favorite inspirational quotes by Doreen Virtue.
“Why it is true that challenges do make you grow, peace leads to even bigger growth spurts.” ~ Doreen Virtue
With love and gratitude,
Wendy Irene