Sitting down. A child on either side of me. Breakfast in hand. Oatmeal.
“Bite!” Little Sister.
“Bite!” Big Brother.
“How do you ask the right way?” Me.
“May I please have a bite?” Big Brother.
“Please bite!” Little Sister.
A spoonful of oatmeal into each mouth.
Little Sister to Big Brother “NO bite!”
The cycle repeats.
“Bite!” Little Sister.
“Bite!” Big Brother.
Quickly shove a spoonful of oatmeal into my own mouth.
Swallow and talk at the same time “How do you ask the right way?”
“May I please have a bite?” Big Brother.
“May PLEASE bite!” Little Sister.
Spoonful of oatmeal into each mouth.
“NO bite!” Little Sister YELLS even louder to Big Brother.
You know what happens next...
“All gone.” Little Sister.
Who knew having kids would help so much with portion control?
After breakfast I check my email. Reading through, picking a couple to respond to now, saving the rest for the inevitable...’later’.
Write 3 words.
“Look!” Little Sister showing 1 line of artwork drawn.
Write 4 words.
“Look!” Another line scribbled.
Write 1 sentence.
“Look!” 1 more line drawn.
2 words typed.
“Look!” Maybe a half of a line scribbled.
Crank out the rest of the email in a fury. Quick glance. Yup, looks like what I remembered writing in my head.
Pause. Help Big Brother play Tic Tack Toe.
Re-glance at the email still open. Notice missing words...oops! Ask myself if they will still understand??
Think so! Move-on.
Balance - What does it mean?
For me it doesn’t mean fitting everything I want to do in, or allotting activities for the exact right amounts of time. It’s simpler than that. It means that my top priorities are actually my top priorities in terms of my time. Things that are important to me are fit into my life to some degree that I can be content with for now. When my balance is off, I know. My heart screams it at me much like the “NOs!” that are a regular part of my day.
Balance is achievable depending on what it means to you. Finding it is much like trying to stand on a bosu ball. Your muscles must all be working together to keep you up. One muscle depends on the strength of another. If a muscle is working too hard, or against the others, you tip over. That doesn’t mean you can’t get back up!
Finding meaning in what you spend your time doing helps your heart and mind work together in achieving balance. Listening to the muscles that work too hard or the ones that need strengthening are vital to keeping your balance up.
Question of the day:
What does your morning look like?
Thank you for sharing in the comments!