Cooking is something that I enjoy, most of the time ;-), so when my husband makes dinner it is usually because I am busy taking care of something else. Although I truly appreciate him preparing my plate for me, so that all I have to do those busy nights is sit down, eat, and enjoy my family’s company, it is not the best option for me.
My husband and I do not need equal amounts of food for our meals. A reality that I sometimes need to remind myself of. When he prepares my plate the best he can do is guess how much food to give me. It is almost always more food than I need.
By dinner time I’m usually pretty hungry from running around with the kids all day. For me I know that it is almost impossible not eat all that is on my plate. Therefore, the best solution is for me to make up my own plate for meals. Basically because it is not that I don’t want the bigger portions, it is that I don’t need them, and in fact it is not best for my health.
Knowing yourself and what works and does not work for you is very beneficial in living a healthy lifestyle. Although preparing my own plate when I am fortunate to have someone else cook is a very easy thing to do, the truth is a lot of the time I don’t. Now that I am aware of this not being the best choice for me, I am going to start putting that little extra effort in, and make my plate myself, especially when I don’t cook.
To live in a healthier way, often it is not about making big drastic changes. Small changes can have a big impact. In many cases they are easier to follow through with, easier to stick to, and each small change adds up to a healthier you.
What small change can you make today to live a healthier life?