There was a whole list of things I worried about. Proper grammar, spelling, and careful proofreading are NOT strengths of mine! I had my teachers fooled receiving 100s on my spelling tests after busting my butt all week learning the words (thank goodness for a patient Mom!). Numbers were my thing. I loved math and science, not English and History. In fact, I found English and History a drag and looking back I actually think I put way too much effort in. Seriously, why take AP classes in subjects you don’t even like, and stay up way too late trying to do everything? A lesson I learned the hard way.
Now I’ve learned I actually LOVE the written word, and I LOVE reading but it is because at this stage in my life (unlike school) there is SO MUCH FREEDOM! I can choose to write about things I am passionate about. I can read WHATEVER I want to read. And yes, I believe that freedom makes us a better person, better able to fulfill our purpose on this beautiful planet.
If only teachers were given more freedom from strict guidelines, rules, and testing and were allowed to take cues from the children themselves. If teachers were allowed more time to nurture the innate passions of their students I think everyone would be a lot happier, kids and teachers! Sometimes I feel like shaking the globe and saying “Wake-Up! Life is short!” Is this really what you want for your children? To be miserable so many hours of the day, so many days of the week?
This post is to show you that it doesn’t matter if you are not good at everything! You are no less of a person for having strengths and weaknesses. Love what you do, and say who cares if everything isn’t perfect! Just go out there and DO IT ANYWAY!
Much Love ♥