When butting heads with your kids doesn’t even come close to describing it? When your co-worker is being completely unreasonable? Your family is driving you MAD! It’s a hellish moment and you are on the verge of bursting into a Mommy monster.
The key to not reacting is to be the observer.
The Observer vs. The Reactor
something you become totally swept away in your emotions? They completely become you. For me, it feels like my emotions overtaking my mind.
This is not how I want to act towards my children. I love them way more than the sometimes unpleasant emotions that I feel. The exact point when you feel yourself about to breakdown is also the very moment you have a
choice. You can choose to be the reactor or the observer. Pause in the moment when you’re on the edge and feel the window of choice open up.
If you focus on being the observer, that is where you can find your peaceful, calm, kind, loving self.
Right now in my life I am working on being the observer. When I feel myself about to react, I try to pull myself back into observer mode. That is where I feel most connected to God, divine energy, or my higher self, whatever you choose to call it.
When I am the observer, I am my soul.
The capability to be the observer has always been there, I just didn’t know it.
Choose to be the observer, and not the reactor.
Choose to be your soul, and not your ego.
Share your wisdom with me in the comments below – What do you do to keep yourself from reacting in stressful situations? How do you keep your cool?