Hello there, friends!
To start things off I thought I would share with you a great You Tube video that our very talented friend Michael and his buddies Dave, Matt and Kat made for the Big Rock Beer contest. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they win!!! I’ll keep you updated if they make it to the finals. Everyone send your positive energy. J
To start things off I thought I would share with you a great You Tube video that our very talented friend Michael and his buddies Dave, Matt and Kat made for the Big Rock Beer contest. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they win!!! I’ll keep you updated if they make it to the finals. Everyone send your positive energy. J
Thanks for the laugh guys! :-D
Best of luck, and let us know if there is any voting involved in picking a winner.
Over the weekend I made a batch of granola bars by adapting a recipe that Nonna passed onto me. I spend a ridiculous amount of coinage on healthy granola bars for myself and the kids as an easy go to snack when we are out for the day. I tried it using mainly things I had already around the house. My proportions were a bit off so I am going to work on perfecting it a little bit before I post the recipe.
Best of luck, and let us know if there is any voting involved in picking a winner.
Over the weekend I made a batch of granola bars by adapting a recipe that Nonna passed onto me. I spend a ridiculous amount of coinage on healthy granola bars for myself and the kids as an easy go to snack when we are out for the day. I tried it using mainly things I had already around the house. My proportions were a bit off so I am going to work on perfecting it a little bit before I post the recipe.
They tasted good but they were too dry. They crumbled apart while cutting them. The ones that came out ok I wrapped individually and put into the freezer. I am hoping the freezer will help them hold together more. I have high hopes of making a moister batch like Nonna’s were so that the stroller and car seats won’t be a HUGE mess every time. Who am I kidding? They already are! But I’m aiming not to make it worse ;-)
I find not feeding the kids snacks in the car is pretty much unavoidable. How about you, have you managed to get around that one? Maybe it is because I love the peace for the amount of time it takes them to eat their snack. J
The crumbs I put into a zip lock bag and have been using them as topping on yogurt. Big Brother enjoyed his yogurt that way this morning.
Have a fantastic day everyone, and if you liked the video pass it on! I am sure the guys would love that.
Do you have a favorite granola bar recipe? I would love to hear about it!
I find not feeding the kids snacks in the car is pretty much unavoidable. How about you, have you managed to get around that one? Maybe it is because I love the peace for the amount of time it takes them to eat their snack. J
The crumbs I put into a zip lock bag and have been using them as topping on yogurt. Big Brother enjoyed his yogurt that way this morning.
Have a fantastic day everyone, and if you liked the video pass it on! I am sure the guys would love that.
Do you have a favorite granola bar recipe? I would love to hear about it!