Welcome November!
Who is getting excited for Thanksgiving and the Holidays?!
The photo below is a very real shot of me hard at work cooking last November. There was food and ingredients everywhere lol.
Who is getting excited for Thanksgiving and the Holidays?!
The photo below is a very real shot of me hard at work cooking last November. There was food and ingredients everywhere lol.
The number one thing my daughter requests I make each year is my Vegetable Pot Pie Recipe. Last year made it ahead of time and froze it with a raw crust to cut down on the work on Thanksgiving day.
It worked out perfectly. So if you have any vegetarian family or friends I highly recommend the vegetable pot pie as a make-ahead, freeze, and bake the-day-of type of recipe. In fact, pot pie is wonderful to bake a little early and let it cool some to pull back together for better serving.

For more Thanksgiving recipe ideas check out this recipe round-up!
Vegan Thanksgiving Recipe Round-Up
Have a beautiful week, friends and enjoy the energy readings! November is going to be a good month :)
Warm Wishes
Warm Wishes
Leo - Early November Reading
Virgo - Early November Reading
Libra - Early November Reading - You're Standing Out
Scorpio - Early November Reading
Sagittarius - November Reading - Things Going Your Way!
Capricorn - November Reading
For Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer love readings go to:
Harvest Moon
with love & gratitude,
Wendy Irene